
WPT Global - 世界撲克巡迴賽的線上家園 - 為您帶來最安全的線上撲克錦標賽和真錢遊戲。

  • 撲克規則

  • 錦標賽規則

  • 撲克術語表

  • 德州扑克

  • PLO

  • 短牌總覽

  • Global Spins

  • 神秘賞金

  • 保險

  • 亮牌

  • 獵兔

  • 時間延長

  • 底牌投注

  • 禮物節




WPT TOKYOの参加費はすべて運営費に充てられ、賞金はすべてスポンサーが出すという仕組みであるため、違法にはなりません。2023/12/28


WPT Globalでは、銀行出金時に3.5%の出金手数料がかかります。 為替レートによる手数料もかかるため、他の決済手段を選ぶとよいでしょう。 WPT G

WPT Globalで出金ができないのはなぜですか?

入金した額をプレイしないと出金できない WPT Global(WPT グローバル)には入金額の1倍プレイするという出金条件があります。 $20をWPT Globalに入金し

WPT Globalの初回入金ボーナスはいくらですか?

WPT Globalの初回入金ボーナスは簡単に言うと$1,200の入金まで、ゲーム内で使えるお金が2倍になるキャンペーンです。 $1,200以上入金

Is WPT online poker legit?

About WPT Global WPT Global is one of the newer online poker sites, having launched globally in April 2022. Despite its infancy, you can trust the platform, because it is the official online poker site of the World Poker Tour (WPT), one of the biggest and most trusted brands in poker.

Is WPT free?

To watch for free, all you need to do is subscribe to WPT’s Twitch, Facebook, and YouTube pages and tune in to watch as players from around the world compete for a variety of WPT titles.

Is WPT online real money?

ClubWPT does NOT operate as a real-money poker site, but does offer real-money prizes under the sweepstakes gaming model in eligible jurisdictions, including 43 U.S. states, and Australia, Canada, France, and the United Kingdom.

Who is the owner of WPT Global?

In June 2015, The World Poker Tour (WPT) announced that bwin. party sold the company to Ourgame International Holdings Ltd. for a price of $35 million in cash. In 2021 the World Poker Tour was sold to Element Partners for $105 million.

Is WPT Global legit?

WPT Global is one of the newer online poker sites, having launched globally in April 2022. Despite its infancy, you can trust the platform, because it is the official online poker site of the World Poker Tour (WPT), one of the biggest and most trusted brands in poker.


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