WPTG Sign New Contract for 118MSEK

WPTG, now majority owner of Ayima Group, has today announced the signing of a new contract worth 118MSEK over 2 years.

Ayima spokesman, Michelle Dempsey commented “This is extremely good news. Ayima is proud of joining such a dynamic company group and is excited for the what the future holds”

the full press release can be found here


For further Information: Michelle Dempsey +44-20 7148 5974 press(at)ayima.comwww.ayimagroup.com

About Ayima

Originally founded in 2007, Ayima is a digital marketing agency with around 150 employees across its offices in London, New York, San Francisco, Stockholm and Vancouver. Ayima have created a number of market-leading software tools that are used in by clients and agencies around the world, including, ‘Redirect Path’, ‘Page Insights’, ‘Pulse’ and ‘Appotate’.

Ayima is listed at Nasdaq First North under the “Ayima B” ticker. Certified Advisor is:

Swedish North Point Securities AB

[email protected]

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    WPTG, now majority owner of Ayima Group, has today announced the signing of a new contract worth 118MSEK over 2 years. Ayima spokesman, Michelle Dempsey commented “This is extremely good news. Ayima is proud of joining such a dynamic company group and is excited for the what the future holds” the full press release can be found here https://whitepearltech.com/news/press-releases/ For further Information: Michelle Dempsey +44-20 7148 5974 press(at)ayima.comwww.ayimagroup.com About Ayima

    wpt global