



1. 在这样的牌局中,简单一点:当和这类狂妄之徒对局时,走战略路线并不明智。因为这类玩家不会按常理出牌,更不会受战术左右。他们不会像大神那般深思熟虑,只管下注,把一切交给运气。所以在这类玩家面前你的很多想法都是徒劳无功。你需要全方位精确的去评估场上局势,最好牌风转向强势,牌技不入流的对手在强势对弈中往往会秒怂。如果你的起手牌具有绝对胜算,那么就要比他们更狂妄。

2. 不要跟随对方的节奏:有时候牌局中狂妄的玩家不仅猜不透,而且还非常狡猾。你很难在牌桌上搞懂他们的思维模式,而他们却会努力的试图搞懂你和你的行为目的。并且,大多数时候,他们的分析非常到位,随即采取更具有迷惑性的强势进攻来扰乱你的思绪。在这样的牌势下,不要跟着他们的节奏走,不回应,不跟随,按照自己的打法来和路数走。

3. 预算打法:和这样的对手打牌,最好控制自己的预算,否则最终会因不必要的入局而输掉所有。在预算之内,你会收紧牌风,并且会要求自己的利益最大化。这样的好处在于就算最终全部输掉,对自己的本钱也没什么大的影响。

4. 见好就收:在和狂妄玩家对局时也有屡屡收池的时候,每多打一手牌,手里的资本就会多一点,甚至有时候会翻好几番。在这样的牌势下,最明智的做法就是见好就收。谁都无法保证自己可以一直赢,对手的疯狂之举不会停止,可能就是那么一手牌他们就能回本。所以,在和怪异之士打牌时,赢了就立马跑吧,这和输比起来强多了。www.moshike.com


Can you play WPT Global in the US?

**WPT Global is not available to persons physically located in the United States nor is there any intention to induce you or any other person located in the U.S. into engaging in any gambling with WPT Global or violating any local, tribal, state, federal, or national law or regulation.

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ClubWPT is NOT a real-money poker site. The cash & prizes available in the VIP, Diamond and Super SATurdays tournaments are offered under a sweepstakes gaming model. No purchase is necessary to play on ClubWPT. At ClubWPT players can compete for cash & prizes, but direct cash deposits and withdrawals are not allowed.

Can you play WPT Global in the UK?

Because some European countries have decided to restrict gambling, WPT Global cannot operate in some countries. These include the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and the UK. However, poker-friendly European countries like Finland, Ireland, Slovakia, and Slovenia are welcome to play.21 Aug 2023

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Do you have to Play for Real Money at WPT Global? Yes, currently WPT Global does not offer “Play Money” tables, so the only way to play on WPT Global is by participating in Real Money tables.

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What is the free promo code for Global Poker? With the free promo code POKERNEWS, you’ll receive 150,000 Gold Coins for just $10, and get a FREE 30 Sweeps Coins on top! You can also log into your account daily and receive at least 1,000 Gold Coins and 0.25 Sweeps Coins for free!


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